Mandarin essential oil 100% Large capacity! 15 ml
nervous tension insomnia anxiety hypertension nausea weakness
Reference: 5903766110851
Tea tree or tea tree is one of the most popular essential oils widely used in natural medicine. It comes from a plant called Malaleuca alternifolia and was originally a plant used extensively by Aborigines in Australia. The name can be misleading, as it actually has nothing to do with tea. It's travelers Poultices made from crushed leaves were used to dress wounds, fragrant infusions soothed sore throats and were a panacea for skin problems. To this day, this remarkable shrub still provides a raw material that effectively copes with various ailments.
Scientific research has demonstrated a number of unique properties of tea tree essential oil. Among other things, it has been found to have ACTIONS:
Therefore, tea tree oil is comprehensively used for a variety of ailments.
Inhalation ( 5-7 drops add to a bowl of warm water)
supports the treatment of upper respiratory tract inflammation, rhinitis, pharyngitis, coughs, bronchitis as well as hysteria attacks and panic attacks.
Topically :
Soothes insect bites such as mosquitoes and fleas - apply the oil to the site of the bite.
For skin lesions, acne, apply spot on, after diluting with jojoba oil.
For problems with dandruff or lice, add a few drops to the shampoo.
For gynecological problems ( ringworm, thrush).
Skin fungal infections, burns, inflammations, warts.
The bottle has a dropper and child-proofing.
Keep out of reach of children.
* Check individual skin reaction to the oil before use.
INCI: Melaleuca Alternifolia Oil
To podstawowy olejek eteryczny w moim domu. Znam chyba wszystkie wydania i zdecydowanie do Was wracam po kolejną buteleczkę :)
Te olejki są naprawdę świetnej jakości! Miałam z różnych firm a teraz juz tylko tych używam.
Teraz drzewo herbaciane jest bardziej rozpoznawalne, ale jego właściwości nie są mi obce już od lat. stosuje do inhalacji, kiedyś miałam problemy ze skórą, stosowałam miejscowo, dodaję do prania, do mycia łazienki i kuchni. To świetny składnik eko produktów do wykonania w domu :) super! polecam!
Mój ulubiony! używam przy przeziębieniu, do dezynfekcji, dadaję też do mydła w płynie. Super jakość i duża pojemność!
W czasie okresu przeziębień nie wyobrażam sobie codzienności bez niego! Super odkaża!
nervous tension insomnia anxiety hypertension nausea weakness
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